Friday, April 19, 2013

I got a job!

I have joined the Penn Wynne Players, TCC, and SBC news! My job for PWP is choegrapher and an actress. At TCC I make things for the sales. In SBC news I am a sub for Early news! My first Play in PWP was Phineas and Ferb across the second deminsion. My office for SBC news is my room with my cool new bed! I will also post my stories I write for SBC news on my blog for you to comment on them. Tune in soon!

Friday, February 24, 2012

My Finished Bunny Pinch Pot!

I finally finished my bunny pinch pot in Art class.  This is what it turned out to look like.  Check out my very first post (My Bunny Pinch Pot) to see the sketch.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Untitled by Rachel, age 6

Here is a story written by my little sister, Rachel:

   One day thar was a boy name: Ricky he livd in a small town and thar was a girl name: Rachel they are grownups ok the End.  BOO

She booed her ownself.

The Secret World of Arrietty

The Secret World of Arrietty is about a very small girl who lives a life under the large world of the "Beings."  Her people are called borrowers, because they borrow things that people won't miss.  One day a boy, named Shawn, finds Arrietty, and they becomes friends, even though they aren't suppose to.   The boy's maid takes Arrietty's mom to show that borrowers exist.  Together Shawn and Arrietty rescue her mom.  At the end, Arrietty and her family have to move away, because Shawn have seen Arrietty and knows the secret about borrowers.  I think the movie was interesting, but I didn't think it was that exciting and the characters weren't that appealing.  My favorite part is when Arrietty rescues her mom. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!  I had a Valentine's Day party at school.  Everybody passed out cards.  I also made candy flowers.  What was so cool was my teacher gave out to everybody a small stuffed bear!  At the end of the day, a parent came in to read a book to the class.  I had such a fun day.  I hope all the people I love had a great day too.

A Real Tea Party!

My friend had a birthday party at a place called Four Seasons for Afternoon Tea.  I had to dress a little fancy, so I wore a black dress, a purple bracelet and earrings, and black sandals.  My mom did my nails and straightened my hair.  The food was really good.  We ate crumpets, chocolate, fruits, and biscuits. Instead of tea, I had cocao.  I had lots of fun.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

My Very Own Bed!!!

I finally got my own bed!  I used to sleep with my sister, but now I have enough room to move around.  My bed has two drawers, and you can pull out part of the bed and make it into two beds.  It'll be great for sleepovers!  My mom and dad worked on it for a long time.  Here are pictures of it.