Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!  I had a Valentine's Day party at school.  Everybody passed out cards.  I also made candy flowers.  What was so cool was my teacher gave out to everybody a small stuffed bear!  At the end of the day, a parent came in to read a book to the class.  I had such a fun day.  I hope all the people I love had a great day too.


  1. Aw your school day sounded so fun! I heard you got my Valentine in the mail. I hope you liked it! Please read it to Auntie Tara when you see her.

    Love you and The Cho.

  2. Happy the day after Valentine's Day! Haha. I forgot to tell you yesterday that I heart you. And the heart is as big as the universe! That's how much I love you, girlie.
