Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Lulu and the Brontosaurus

This book is about a little girl named Lulu who usually gets whatever she wants.   In the book she wants a brontosaurus as a pet.   Her parents say no.  She gets so mad that she decides to leave and find a brontosaurus herself.  She goes into a forest and she sings a very loud song.   She disturbs a snake, a tiger, and a big bear.  She threatens them to leave her alone.   All of them go away.   Later on in the book she finally meets a brontosaurus and makes him her pet.  Then he makes Lulu his pet.   Lulu decides that they should just be friends.  Every now and they would play with each other in the forest.  Lulu learns that she can’t always get what she wants.  She goes back to her family and learns that she has to be nice to her parents.

My favorite part was when she threatens the tiger to leave.  She says to the tiger that she will bump him on the head if he did not move out of the way.  He said he is not scared of her.  So she bumped him on the head.  That is my favorite part.  The picture was really funny.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your description of the book, Carmen! Especially your favorite part. I wish I could see the picture of it. =)
